
You receive an email alerting you to visit the Evaluations Portal when an evaluation or self-evaluation is published for you, or when additional events occur, such as coaching requests.

Depending on how your system administrator has configured your system, you can perform some or all of these tasks:

View a summary of all your evaluations.

Review evaluations.

Request coaching for an evaluation.

Acknowledge coaching.

Complete self-evaluations.

Print an evaluation.

When you access the Evaluations Portal, a list of your evaluations and self-evaluations display in the grid. Self-evaluations have an S- at the beginning of their ID.

You can change the default view of the evaluation grid as needed. Click the icon to add/delete columns in the grid.

To enable the Settings icon, use the Nexidia Management Console. For more details, contact your system administrator.

Under the grid, you can see:

Date range of the search results.

Number of times you were evaluated.

Average score of published evaluations, excluding any evaluation templates defined as Exclude score from average evaluation calculation.

Number of pending evaluations.

If you believe a scoring error has occurred, you may request a rescore offline from your supervisor.

The formatting of the status changes as per the changes in the evaluations. For example, for the evaluations that are not yet viewed, the formatting is bold, whereas for the viewed evaluations, the formatting is normal.