
Goals are user-defined standards for interpreting results. These standards are labeled Good, Out of Bounds, and Caution to help you interpret your results quickly and easily. These standards indicate the level of success of a certain metric against its .

Goals are associated with a column and are defined when you create or edit a column:

Single Directional – the goal is tracked on a single scale:

Normal – [   ] or higher (values below the defined limit are better, for example, fewer Average Non Talk occurrences is better)

Reversed – [  ] or lower (values above the defined limit are better, for example, higher Number of Interactions per Day is better)

Bi-Directional – the goal is tracked as a range with the lower and upper limits:

[ ] or lower

[ ] or higher

Scores equal to goal boundaries are always assigned the category that benefits the individual.

See Goals in Columns to learn more.